UPDATE: Although the match was officially called off due to rain, some out-of-town folks had already made the trip to shoot with us and arrived when we were on the range assessing the conditions. What do you do when you have ready shooters, and perfectly great stages that had been set-up the day before, just dying to get shot? YOU SHOOT THEM!! A dozen brave souls banded together to make a single squad, the RCSC team scrambled to gather last minute registration details, set-up a PractiScore scoring device, and accepting $5 donations to cover the minimum range fee, we had ourselves a match!! Everyone was in good spirits, and went home a little ammo light, and just a little muddier than how they arrived – way to turn lemons into lemonade ladies and gentlemen!!
Sorry folks, the match scheduled for today has been called off due to sloppy range conditions, and anticipated additional rain this morning. If you’re still at home, stay there, if you’re already on your way, we’ll be happy to let you run the stages to get a little trigger time in – just be aware of extreme muddy conditions. PLEASE PARK OUTSIDE THE GATE, 2 WHEEL DRIVES WILL GET STUCK!!