
Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder about our USPSA match this Sunday 6/25. We will have 4 field stages plus a classifier. 

We are supposed to see some weather so we will be watching that very closely and posting on Facebook if anything changes.

See everyone at the range!!

Hello Everyone,

Here are the scores from June’s Steel Challenge Match. Thank you to everyone who came to shoot with us!!

Next up is our USPSA Match on June 25th. We will be setting stages up Saturday morning starting at 8am. We will let everyone know what kind of stages we have and the round count as we get closer.

Some of us will also be out for the Alpha Mike’s USPSA Match at Cedar Ridge this coming Sunday June 18th. See everyone at the range!!

Hello Everyone, we have posted the official scores for our Shootout Match on Practiscore. We would like to thank everyone who came out to shoot with us on this Holiday weekend despite the hot weather. We tried to put on a challenging but fun match for you.

We would like to take a second and thank our sponsors. San Antonio Gun Store Alamo Tactical put up a PCC build for this match and congratulations to Josephine Bednarek for being the winner!! Also Shay from Akai Custom Guns, Eddie from Eddie Garcia Custom Guns, and Alex from Ibejihead Bullets!! Thank you guys so very much!!

And last but not least, our River City crew!! Those that worked incredibly hard to make this match happen!! Thank you guys; you guys are truly Amazing!!!!

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to remind everyone that we are just under 2 weeks away from our 2017 River City Shootout. This match will replace our normal monthly USPSA. It is 8 stages (no classifiers). Shoot either Saturday May 27th or Sunday May 28th; or both (each) if you’d like to shoot 2 different Divisions. We do still have slots available, so go to Practiscore to get registered now.

We will be setting up the stages on the 20th and 21st; starting around 8:30am for anyone willing to help. The range will be closed after this until Staff shoots the stages on Friday, May 26th. Then the main match begins on Saturday; hammer down at 9am both days.

We are also working on the details for a Hoser match that we will host in October. This will be a match of high round counts, fast shooting, and of course a ton of fun!! So please be on the lookout for details on this match.

See you on the Range!!

Hello everyone!!!

We’re excited to announce that we have added a new email list mechanism to the site which should facilitate letting you guys know when new event’s or information has been added to the to the website!

We’ve also manually added all of our members to this mechanism so that you guys get updated when ever we add new info to the site vs having our editors send separate emails, and or having to have you guys check the site regularly πŸ˜€

I hope this helps us keep you guys better informed!

Carlos Anguiano
RCSC Web Admin

River City Shooters Club will be hosting a multi-gun match on April 30th. We’ll have 3 gun (rifle, pistol & shotgun), 2 gun (rifle and pistol) and PCC (PCC and pistol and/or shotgun) divisions. New shooters are welcome. Come on out and bring a friend! Here is a first look at the match book with stage diagrams.

Registration for the match is now available in practiscore!!!

Match Signup


REMINDER: THIS Sunday, 2/26, is our regular 4th Sunday USPSA match. Kyle Riojas is your February Match Director and he has 5 challenging – and FUN – stages plus a classifier planned for you. The round count is appx. 150.

– 9:00 am Registration Opens
– 9:45 am Shooters Mtg/New Shooters Briefing
– 10:00 am Match Begins
– Match Fee $25 – Ladies/Juniors $15 (CASH ONLY)
– Additional Guns $25 (CASH ONLY)
– All Walk-Ons by 10:00 am WELCOME!

Match results are posted to PractiScore immediately following the match, here on the web page under the Scores tab above, and on USPSA shortly after.

The weather is forecasted to be bea-utiful, we hope you’ll join us!!

Check out the stages:

2017 feb stage 1 KR 2017 feb stage 2 KR 2017 feb stage 3 KR 2017 feb stage 4 KR 2017 feb stage 5 KR

The River City Shooters Club is very pleased to announce the 2017 River City Shoot Out!!

* Registration is open 2/16/17 – 5/26/17 (no refunds or changes after registration closes 5/26/17)
* $50 Entry fee
* 140 Slots (7 squads of 10/ea day, walk on’s allowed if slots available)
* 8 Challenging Stages (appx. 200 rnds)
* Fri. 5/26 Staff/RO Shoot
* Sat. 5/27 Match – Day 1
* Sun. 5/28 Match – Day 2
* Match begins at 9am sharp and ends at 4pm

Registration for the 2017 River City Shootout is NOW OPEN – Get your slot TODAY!!
**Click Here to Register Now**

REMINDER: The River City Shooters Club’s 2nd Sunday SCSA match is THIS SUNDAY, Feb 12th. Your Match Director is Michael Kocsis, and as always, we’ll be setting up only classifier stages. Celebrate Valentine’s Day early by brining your sweetie, after all nothing says “Love” like a couple that shoots together!!

– 9:00 am Registration Opens
– 9:45 am Registration Closes & Shooters Mtg/New Shooters Briefing
– 10:00 am Match Begins
– Match fee $20 (CASH ONLY)

Match results are posted to PractiScore immediately following the match,Β updated here on the River City Shooters web page (under the Scores tab above), and on SCSA/USPSA shortly after.

The forecast for this weekend is going to be awesome with a chance of epic, we hope see you on Sunday at Blackhawk!


The River City Shooters Club is proud to announce our 1st USPSA match of 2017, THIS Sunday 1/22 – continuing our tradition of every 4th Sunday in the month. Russ Gould is your January Match Director and he has 5 amazing, fun and challenging stages planned for you (including a classifier!) PLUS a super-fun, super-secret, optional side match for FREE. The round count is appx. 158 (including the side match) – if you don’t miss!

– 9:00 am Registration Opens
– 9:45 am Shooters Mtg/New Shooters Briefing
– 10:00 am Match Begins
– Match Fee $25 – Ladies/Juniors $15 (CASH ONLY)
– Additional Guns $25 (CASH ONLY)
– Side Match Fee Free… For a Smile πŸ™‚
– All Walk-Ons by 10:00 am WELCOME!

Match results are posted to PractiScore immediately following the match, here on the web page under the Scores tab above, and on USPSA shortly after.

The weather is forecasted to be bea-utiful, we hope you’ll join us in bidding USPSA welcome in the New Year!!


Check out the stages (all but the super-fun, super-secret side match stage that is!):